This time of year, U-M students across campus are busy with final papers, exams, and team projects that are due before the end of the school year. They are wrapping up their academic endeavors for the semester, and are focused on representing what they have learned through their courses to the best of their abilities. One thing that tends to sneak up on them (I know it snuck up on me back in undergrad!) is the fact that they’ll very soon be boxing up their things to head home or to summer internships/travels. In preparation for the sudden “oh no” realization of the things that they’ve accumulated over the year and what to do with all of it, the Planet Blue Student Leaders made a cute graphic highlighting some tips, based on their own experiences, for quickly moving out of the dorms with sustainability in mind.
For additional links and information, be sure to check out the Office of Campus Sustainability page on Student Move-In/Move-Out, and if you have a sustainable move-out tip that you would like to share with other students—let us know in the comments!